Meet our Team

Meet Lindsay, our new Administration and Billing Manager

Each month we focus on one of our hardworking and caring professionals. Many are healthcare providers but almost as many work behind the scenes to ensure that our clinic runs smoothly and efficiently.

One of the professionals behind the scenes is Lindsay. Recently she has been promoted to be our Administration and Billing Manager.

To congratulate her and introduce her to our patients we’re shining our light on her with a Team Showcase this month. Read below to find out more about our awesome Lindsay!

Lindsay, congratulations on becoming our new Administration and Billing Manager! Can you tell us quickly what your background is?

I come from many, many years of customer service and administration experience. I have always had an interest in Medical office administration, so in 2018, I decided to start my career over and went back to school. It was the best decision I have ever made. In my 5 years at Winterberry, I have learned the ins, outs, ups and downs of the administration position. Once I was with the team long enough, I was asked to become part of the billing team and I happily made the move.  

What made you want to be part of the Winterberry team? 

I was fresh out of school and needed a fulltime job and happily, after my first interview at Winterberry, I realized that this clinic was quickly growing in size and there would be potential to expand my skills and advance.

What type of work will you be doing in your new role? 

I manage a team of eleven people and oversee all things related to Administration and Billing. 

Wow, that’s impressive! What do you think is the importance of this work within the clinic?  

The importance of this work is to be a knowledgeable resource for the Administration and Billing department to ensure that the operations of the office remain smooth. It’s also being an effective leader to the team and creating an excellent work environment. 

Will patients benefit from your work in this role? 

I have a plan to implement some new operations in the office and have already executed some of them. We now offer payment for forms and notes over the phone, which is much more convenient for patients to do virtual appointments. More positive changes to come!

What is your favourite part of your new role?

I enjoy being back in the office and back in the action!  I enjoy creating a healthy work environment and working closely with the team to build on their strengths and share some laughs.

When you’re not improving patient and team lives at Winterberry what will we find you doing? 

Spending time with friends, family, camping, kayaking or enjoying a Caesar and a ball game on my patio.