I’m humbled and honored that Winterberry is being of the Canada’s finest family medicine clinics, its our team that really sets us apart. One the key players leading us is Krysta Simoes. As our Clinic Manager, Krysta plays a key role in making sure we keep patient-centre care as our #1 priority, helping us make good on our promise to help you live your best life. I’m happy that this month’s Team Showcase is focused on Krysta. Winterberry would not be the successful, award-winning clinic it is without her.
September, 2022
Fall has officially arrived and with it plenty of clinic news.

As fall officially begins so does eligibility to everyone 18+ for COVID-19 boosters. At a healthcare team that has been at the forefront of vaccinations during the pandemic we understand that you may have questions about the second booster. We encourage you to read the Ministry’s most recent guidelines and information on vaccinations by clicking here. In addition to COVID-19 boosters the clinic is busy! We have moved to an easier, faster online booking system, we’ve completed renovations of the clinic and we are continually managing our team so they can live up to our promise to you: Helping you live your best life. Please read below for more detailed information and we wish you a happy fall!

A message from our Medical Director

18+ Second COVID-19 Boosters. Book Now.
Based on guidance from Health Canada and the National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI), we are offering the bivalent COVID-19 booster dose to all Ontarians aged 18 and over. “The bivalent COVID-19 booster is a safe and effective way for people to better protect themselves against the most recently circulating COVID-19 variants in Ontario,” said Dr. Kieran Moore, Chief Medical Officer of Health. Book your vaccination now by clicking here.

Message from Patient Liaison Jennifer
We have moved to a new online appointment booking system that’s easier and faster.
News release from the Ministry of Health on second boosters
News ReleaseWinterberry wins Platinum in Spectator Reader’s Choice
Reader’s Choice WinnersWe have a new booking link for online appointments
Online booking “How To” VideoWe’re on Facebook! Catch up on #TeamTuesdays and more
Keep up to date with us on FacebookNews
At Winterberry our team celebrates and supports many community events and initiatives. This past week our team wore Orange Shirts in support of #OrangeShirtDay 2022. Although Orange Shirt Day has passed for this year we continue reflect on Phyllis Webstad’s story. All she wanted to do was wear an orange shirt to school. Read and learn more about this story and Orange Shirt Day at www.orangeshirtday.org

Team Spotlight

Krysta, Operations Manager
Krysta is our Clinic Manager and is responsible for ensuring our patients receive timely, highly skilled health care and that our team is efficient.
Helping You To Know Us Better
Winterberry has one of the best Clinic Managers in the city
Managing a large medical clinic requires many talents. At Winterberry, our Clinic Manager is Krysta, who without a doubt is one of the busiest and best Clinic Managers in the city and we’d like you to get to know her better through a quick Q+A:
A little bit yourself and what inspired you to become an RN?
I have always had a drive to take care of people. I was always the “mom” when playing house with friends as a small child. Looking back at my work from Kindergarten, I actually wrote that I wanted to be a nurse when I grew up. Fast forward 16 years and my family suffered a loss that only made that decision easier for me. I wanted to give as much as the nurses gave to my family over 3.5 years.
You’re the Clinic Manager of one of the country’s busiest family medicine clinics, what made you want to take on that challenge?
I started with Winterberry 7.5 years ago when there were only 2 full time nurses here. I had the great privilege of helping to grow Winterberry as a clinic. When passion and hard work was recognized by my leaders, it led me here. I could not be more grateful for this opportunity.
Is there a part of your work with Winterberry that makes you most proud?
I am proud to have been a part of our growth, and to develop the future leaders of our clinic. Our team is dedicated, caring and passionate, and I am proud to have been even a small part of that. I am proud of the care my team delivers to patients on a daily basis. We have many patients who thank us for saving their mom, brother, child or themselves. We are delivering caring, evidence-based medicine. Pride only begins to describe how I feel about my team.
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Rethinking Obesity #2: Extra weight increases health risk in the long run. Fat shaming hurts now.
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